mercredi 17 mars 2010

Mort de Charles Moore, photographe témoin de la lutte pour les droits civiques aux USA

Son livre "Powerful days: The Civil Rights Photography » rassemble un témoignage unique sur la lutte pour les droits civiques aux Etats-Unis de la fin des années 50 et des années 60. Merci encore monsieur Moore pour ce que vous nous avez légué.

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Charles Moore: "I Fight With My Camera"
27:08 - Il y a 2 ans
Charles Moore is the legendary Montgomery photojournalist whose coverage of the Civil Rights era produced some of the most famous shots in the world (the dogs and fire hoses in Birmingham, the Selma Bridge, and Martin Luther King’s arrest in Montgomery, among many others.) His photographs are credited with helping to quicken the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The noted historian, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. said that Moore’s photographs transformed the national mood and made the legislation not just necessary, but possible. This is his story.

Site sur Charles Moore et son travail:

Charles Moore, 79, dies; photographed civil rights violence`

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